Today I was in a group of 5 and the subject of what we believe happens after we die. (Other topics of conversation included pistachio ice cream, Stevie Nicks, aliens, weddings, and a lot of other topics.)
Death is a popular topic for all art forms. Poets, of course, love to explore questions with no definitive answers.
Individually, we most likely all have a hunch, if not a strong belief, in what comes after. In our group of 5, 2 said a definite afterlife, 2 said nothing, and 1 said our energy adds to the energy in everything around us. That last one was me. 🙂
The prompt for this week is to write about what you think comes after life as specifically as you can. Or, if you are creating visual art of some kind, portray an aspect of your vision of what comes after.
If that is too intangible for you, create focusing on a very specific aspect of after. Organ donation, a celebrity death, the rituals of a funeral, spreading a loved one’s ashes, dealing with sudden and unexpected death, etc. You can also make visual art based on a famous poem or story about death or write a piece based on a famous piece of art that has death as its theme.
As this is a topic that is not unusual, it is up to you to put a unique spin on your piece.
Have fun! (Is that appropriate with this topic?) put all of your energy into it! (Call back!)