Thursday, January 16, 2025: Writing with Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site Virtual Workshop
7:00-9:00 Eastern, 4:00-6:00 Pacific
(More information and registration can be found here.)
In this workshop, we will focus on creating our own work inspired by Carl Sandburg poems. I will provide a number of prompts that will familiarize you with his work while also challenging you to write poems (or flash fiction) that is uniquely yours. This workshop will be very interactive, and the students who wish to share what they write during our time together will be able to do so. The goals for this workshop are to read and appreciate some less familiar Sandburg poems, to understand how prompts can allow us/force us to write pieces we would not have without the prompt, and to feel comfortable with the process of creating first drafts that we know we will need to revise. Writers of all skill levels, publishing experience, and backgrounds are welcome!
​Sunday, February 2, 2025: Poems of Childhood (Generative Workshop)
11:00-1:30 Pacific
Cost: $10 and up (pay what you wish)
In this fundraiser for SMART Reading, we will first discuss some poems that focus on children and/or childhood. This is a subject poets love, and we will have a wonderfully diverse group of poems to talk about. Participants will then be given some things to think about and some writing prompts, as well as some time to write. We will get back together and those who wish to share what they have written may do so. Participants will leave with a packet of poems (which they will receive prior to the workshop) and a packet of prompts, thoughts, and advice on writing about children and childhood.
Friday, October 18-Sunday, October 20, 2024: The Astoria Creative Writing Festival
Astoria, OR (Workshop and Reading)
Sunday, September 8, 2024: Reading with Judith Montgomery
Ross Island Grocery and Cafe
Friday, April 19, 2024: Beyond the Ekphrastic Free Poetry Workshop
Oregon City Public Library
Saturday, December 16, 2023: Connections Cafe Poetry Discussion--Winter Poems
​Rose City Book Pub (Sponsored by Thrive Guides)
Saturday, August 12, 2023: Find Your Voice Through Persona Poems Free Poetry Workshop
Oregon City Public Library
Sunday, February 19: Love Is Strange Online Poetry Workshop
Another fundraising online workshop. Benefits For Goodness Cakes, PDX Chapter
Sunday, May 15, 2022: Food, Glorious Food! Poetry Workshop
Fundraising online workshop. Benefits For Goodness Cakes, PDX Chapter
2009: Poet in the Schools
Pratum and Butte Creek Schools in the Silverton, OR area
October 2021: All Month
​I was a 30/30 poet this month, which meant that I wrote one poem each day and raised money ($500) for Tupelo Press, where the poems by each month's poets, are posted.
Previous Readings
Portland, OR
Oregon City, OR
Salem, OR
Vancouver, WA
Lexington, KY
Richmond, KY
Seaside, OR
Grand Forks, ND
West Islip, NY
Previous Workshops
Roseburg, OR
Oregon City, OR
Hillsboro, OR
Lake Oswego, OR
Richmond, KY
Grand Forks, ND
Huntington, WV