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"The Hope of Time: Talking with Judith H. Montgomery"

Interview, published in The Rumpus, November 2020

click here to read



Book Reviews


A Preface to Oscar Wilde by Anne Varty

Victorian Periodicals Review, Spring 1999


Outsiders in the American Press History: Multicultural Perspectives 

Frankie Hutton and Barbara Strauss Reed, eds. 

Victorian Periodicals Review, Winter 1998


Claiming Breath by Diane Glancy

North Dakota History, Vol. 60, No. 3, Summer 1993


Iron Woman by Diane Glancy, Cautionary Tales by Barbara Goldberg, and The Outlaw James Copeland and the Champion-Belted Empress by Jeanne Lebow

North Dakota Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 3, Summer 1992



Craft Essays 


“Word Play.” Inkslinger, ed. A. Carol Scott. 2004.    





“’Dear John’ (Idiom),” “Freneau, Philip,” “Pitcher, Molly,” and “1776,” M. Paul Holsinger, ed.

War and American Popular Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.





“Peer Groups,” “Titling Your Essays,” and “Writing Introductions and Conclusions," Melanie Crow and Allen Helmstetter, ads.

The University of North Dakota Guide to College Composition, Custom Publishing, Inc., St. Paul, MN 2000





Profiles of local business people and non-profit service centers.

The Cabell Record, Huntington, WV, 1990.


Book Power.jpg

Non-Poetry Publications

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