On July 9, I posted a prompt that used sentences in languages other than English as a way to do Sound Translations to start a draft.
I promised to post what language each sentence was from, and what they each were in English. I said I would do that on July 16.
I completely forgot! Mea culpa!
So here are the sentences, and if you need to check out the original prompt, do so! It really is a lot of fun and a great way to write something unexpected.

Here are the sentences:
Tá mo mhúinteoir ag múineadh ach nílím ag éisteacht mar níl suim agam sa stair.
Irish: My teacher is teaching but I am not listening because I do not have an interest in history.
Fotografia to bardzo popularne hobby, wielu entuzjastów wydaje ogromne pieniądze na sprzęt.
Polish: Photography is a popular hobby, with many serious hobbyists spending big money on equipment.
Sueño con ir al espacio sideral en un cohete espacial.
Spanish: I dream of going to outer space on a rocket ship.
Sigarasız bölümde oturmak istiyoruz.
Turkish: We’d like to sit in the non-smoking section.
Kaigi wa ku-ji yogi okonawaremasu.
Japanese: The meeting will be held at nine o’clock.
Ndixakekile imini nobusuku.
Xhosa: I am busy day and night.
Er det noe ledig for i natt?
Norwegian: Are there any vacancies for tonight?
Diquenvsvi gega; agi yosi ale gvna awaduli.
Cherokee: I’m going home; I am hungry and I want some turkey.
Waongea kama mwingereza; unatoka wapi?
Swahili: You sound British; where are you from?
Khaste nabaashid va salaamat baashid.
Farsi: I hope you’re not tired and I hope you are in peace.
Kailangan kong bumili ng isa pang libro.
Filipino: I need to buy another book.
Kuv ntim tag nrho kuv nkawm khau.
Hmong: I am packing all of my shoes.
Dan huwa l-aktar kulleġġ famuż fil-belt.
Maltese: That is the most famous college in the city.
ʻAʻole mākou hauʻoli i ka nānā ʻana i ka pôpeku.
Hawaiian: We do not enjoy watching football.
Mwen ta renmen bwè frèt tanpri.
Haitian Creole: I would like a cold drink please.
Asteburua baino lehen soineko berria erosi nahiko luke.
Basque: She would like to buy a new dress before the weekend.
Così tante persone si rompono le gambe quando sciano.
Italian: So many people break their legs when they ski.
Harbst iz der bester tsayt far kemping in di vald.
Yiddish: Autumn is the best season for camping in the woods.
Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon.
Welsh: A nation without a language is a nation without a heart.
Bună dimineaţa! Încântat de cunoştiinţă.
Romanian: Good morning! Nice to meet you.
Chúng tôi sở hữu một trang trại và chúng tôi trồng dâu và nho.
Vietnamese: We own a farm and we grow berries and grapes.
Lopetin lääketieteellisen koulun monta vuotta sitten.
Finnish: I dropped out of medical school many years ago.
Fomos ao parque ontem e vimos muitos veados.
Portuguese: We went to the park yesterday and saw lots of deer.
Ji turėtų baigti gaminti tą antklodę iki mėnesio pabaigos.
Lithuanian: She should finish making that quilt by the end of the month.
S’id valeur akooz nimoo ni miyaayaan.
Michif: I’m sad because I’m not feeling well.